7-Day Surf

Invitation to a 7-Day Surf: Dance every day for a Week
When I put out the How to be a Jedi guide last year, a couple of people said they would prefer another word to “challenge” which I had used, which I totally got! Recently, I was in my practice and the phrase ‘7-Day Surf’ dropped in… Simple concept – dance every day for a week.
So here’s how it goes:
Pick one of these three options:
- Dance to one piece of Music every day for 7 days
Choose from the Instant Dancefloor or Jedi Sound Injection playlists – or even better, use you own music. It can be the same track every day (which is interesting) or a different one to keep things varied.
. - Do a 5minute Silent Practice every day for 7 days
Just put on a timer with a nice sound, take a moment to centre yourself and move
Or if you have just a little more time, you could use this 5R Silent Wave practice (7mins) or this MM Silent Mesa practice. (9mins)
. - Dance to ‘Awakening the Jedi‘ every day for 7 days
This is a little longer but still only a tidy quarter of an hour.
I use this one a lot myself and someone who recently joined the Patreon moved to it every day for weeks.
I would suggest picking one of the options and doing that same one every day.
Ideally, do it the same time every day too, so it becomes part of your routine without having to plan it or think too much about it.
If the regularity is difficult for you – do it when you can!
Decide what is Day 1 and mark Day 7 in your diary. The best day for Day 1 is today 🙂
If you think you might forget or get distracted, put a daily alarm on to remind you,
If you find it difficult to commit – try inviting someone else to do the 7-day Surf alongisde you, so you can support each other, check-in.
Of course you can overlay more than one option, for example Silent Practice in the morning when you get up, and a piece of Music in the evening. Or Music in the morning before work and Silent Practice before bed) But be realistic. Better to do a little and keep it going, than burn-out.
Let me know how you get on – and enjoy!
Audio teaching for this and Sacred Voices + Alchemising Chaos Guided Versions still to come…