You know that feeling when you’re on a dancefloor and everything drops into this ecstatic place…
…Your body moving, the music, the sense of heart and expanding consciousness, the connection to what’s here – everything aligns. You dance, you breathe – you know who you are and you understand why you’re on the planet.
That feeling too, a different one, when you’re stuck, life is messy or conflicted and nothing is working. But you stay with it and then something – in the music or in the flux of life – brings a shift: a possibility of movement, and that movement brings new energy and change.

Remember that feeling when you’re on a dancefloor and everything drops into that ecstatic place…
…Your body moving, the music, the sense of heart and expanding consciousness, the connection to what’s here – everything aligns. You dance, you breathe – you know who you are and you understand why you’re on the planet.
That feeling too, a different one, when you’re stuck, life is messy or conflicted and nothing is working. But you stay with it and then something – in the music or in the flux of life – brings a shift: a possibility of movement, and that movement brings new energy and change.
The Dancefloor Jedi Project is a membership service for dancers and movement meditators who want to cultivate these ecstatic and transformative moments of consciousness, on and off the dancefloor.
The Dancefloor Jedi Project is a membership service for dancers and movement meditators who want to cultivate these ecstatic and transformative moments of consciousness, on and off the dancefloor.



We use the tried-and-tested maps of 5Rhythms, Movement Medicine, Taoism and other embodied pathways. It’s a support system for using movement as a life-enhancing spiritual practice.
We use the tried-and-tested maps of 5Rhythms, Movement Medicine, Taoism and other embodied pathways. It’s a support system for using movement as a life-enhancing spiritual practice.
- Guided Journeys & DJ mixes for Dancers: every month I make a dancing journey, using the maps and practices of 5Rhythms and Movement Medicine. You have access to two versions of these journeys: a guided practice (music with my spoken facilitation over the music), and a music-only DJ version for more autonomous use. The journeys vary in length from under 15mins to over an hour, so you get a mix to work with: short practices that are easy to include in your routine, and longer journeys for deeper immersion.
- Livestreams from ‘In-The-Room’ Sessions: once a month, I broadcast a live audio feed from a drop-in class or other space I am holding in Devon, London or somewhere else. You can tune in and join the dancefloor from wherever you are!
- Transmission Deep Radio: you have exclusive next-day & offline recordings and tracklistings for my deep radio Transmissions, a monthly opportunity to use the maps for dancing deep, whether immersing solo or syncing with others in your space or worldwide.
- Dancers’ Library in your Pocket: you have access to all the waves, mixes, practices and other resources to use offline and at any time. You can download the recordings using Spotify, Apple Podcasts or the Patreon app as well as streaming online via the Glimpses of Light and Patreon websites.
- Introductory Guides, Teachings & Meditations, the library includes “how-to” introductions for using the service and for using dancing as a meditation. There’s guides to 5Rhythms, Movement Medicine and the other core practices, plus teachings on silent movement without music, freeform creative practice and invitations drawing on Taoist practice, Processwork and the shamanic / animist traditions I work with.
- The First Word: you’ll get advance or priority booking for ‘in-the-room’ movement Workshops, Immersions & Ongoing Groups I offer, likewise any Online Courses or other dance-related offerings.
- Monthly Update: at the start of the month I send out a 5-10minute voice and text message, signposting what’s coming up, giving occasional suggestions for practice and sharing the tune of the month.
- e-PfB Special Bonus: I’ll also send you a PDF version of my book of photography and writing “Postcards from Babylon – a rough guide to liberation”
- Guided Journeys & DJ mixes for Dancers: every month I make a dancing journey, using the maps and practices of 5Rhythms and Movement Medicine. You have access to two versions of these journeys: a guided practice (music with my spoken facilitation over the music), and a music-only DJ version for more autonomous use. The journeys vary in length from under 15mins to over an hour, so you get a mix of short practices that are easy to include in your routine, and longer journeys for deeper immersion.
- Livestreams from ‘In-The-Room’ Sessions: once a month, I broadcast a live audio feed from a drop-in class or other space I am holding in Devon, London or somewhere else. You can tune in and join the dancefloor from wherever you are!
- Movement Meditations, Teachings & Rituals: you also receive other guided practices, for working without music, drawing on freeform movement technique, Taoism, Processwork or the shamanic / animist traditions I work with.
- Transmission Deep Radio: you have exclusive next-day & offline recordings and tracklistings for my deep radio Transmissions, a monthly opportunity to use the maps for dancing deep, whether immersing solo or syncing with others.
- Dancer’s Library & Guides: you get access to all the waves, mixes, meditations and teachings to use offline and at any time, using the Patreon app, web interface – or another podcast reader. You also get ‘how-to’ starter’s intro and other teaching guides to using the dance as a meditation and tool for living.
- Monthly Update: at the start of the month I send out a 5-10minute voice and text message, signposting what’s coming up, giving suggestions for practice and sharing the tune of the month.
- The First Word: you’ll get an advance booking option for ‘in-the-room’ movement workshops & immersions I offer, likewise any online courses, ongoing groups or other dance-related offerings.
- e-PfB Special Bonus: I’ll also send you a PDF version of my book of photography and writing “Postcards from Babylon – a rough guide to liberation”
Riding the Dancing Force: a Yang Wave
Body Cosmos: Bare Bones of MESA Practice
20mins / 17mins – A short core Movement Medicine MESA practice. Simple and super useful map for dancers.
Awakening the D-Jedi
Silent Wave: 5R Practice
Riding the Dancing Force: a Yang Wave
Body Cosmos: Bare Bones of MESA Practice
20mins / 17mins – A short core Movement Medicine MESA practice. Simple and super useful map for dancers.
Awakening the D-Jedi
To see the full menu of recordings and resources
take a look at the main D-Jedi Library page
Dancefloor Jedi is offered through Patreon, a platform supporting reciprocal relationships between creators and those appreciating and using their work.
You pledge a monthly contribution and that plugs you into the flow of resources I create for dancers.
It’s an informal subscription service that brings my teaching and DJing direct into your space.
Kind of like a hybrid between a 5Rhythms class and a Spotify monthly plan…
Patreon: Three Tiers of Access
Patreon: Three Tiers of Access
Dancefloor Jedi is offered through Patreon, a platform supporting reciprocal relationship between creators and those appreciating and using their work.
You pledge a monthly contribution and that plugs you into the flow of resources I create for dancers.
It’s an informal subscription service that brings my teaching and DJing direct into your space.
Kind of like a hybrid between a 5Rhythms class and a Spotify monthly plan…
Dancefloor Jedi is Tier 2 of my Patreon
Sign-up for this if you want the standard version. If you would like to connect but want to keep things more streamlined, you can plug-in to the entry-level tier, Sound & Vision Traveller. If would like to immerse in all aspects of my work and/or are able to contribute more, tier 3 is Art & Medicine Activator.
Check out the full list of benefits for each tier on the Patreon sign-up page here
CONTRIBUTION: £12-£21sliding scale
I’m asking £12 as a minimum contribution for plugging into the Dancefloor Jedi resources. Patreon doesn’t offer an explicit sliding scale system but you ‘name your amount’. Consider £12 a concession-level contribution, with £15-£18-£21 as options to pay what you can afford. (Adjust accordingly for other currencies, and please note VAT tax will be added in some countries.)
Your contribution goes towards me taking the creative & production time needed to develop, create and give you these resources. You’re helping me make them available for you and for the wider community, including bursary access for practitioners & communities with limited access to finance. If you’re needing the latter, please get in touch.
When you sign-up you’ll get immediate access to the most recent mixes & meditations, the ‘how-to-use’ guides and the keys to the library.
Dancefloor Jedi is Tier 2 of my Patreon
Sign-up for this if you want the standard version. If you would like to connect but want to keep things more streamlined, you can plug-in to the entry-level tier, Sound & Vision Traveller. If would like to immerse in all aspects of my work and/or are able to contribute more, tier 3 is Art & Medicine Activator. Check out the full list of benefits for each tier on the Patreon sign-up page here
£12-£21sliding scale
I’m asking £12 as a minimum contribution for plugging into the Dancefloor Jedi resources. Patreon doesn’t offer an explicit sliding scale system but you ‘name your amount’. Consider £12 a concession-level contribution, with £15-£18-£21 as options to pay what you can afford. (Adjust accordingly for other currencies, and please note VAT tax will be added in some countries.) Thanks!
Your contribution goes towards me taking the creative & production time needed to develop, create and give you these resources. You’re helping me make them available for you and for the wider community, including bursary access for practitioners & communities with limited access to finance. If you’re needing the latter, please get in touch.
When you sign-up you’ll get immediate access to the most recent mixes & meditations, the ‘how-to-use’ guides and the keys to the library.
The button takes you to my Patreon page where you will see three tiers
> pick Dancefloor Jedi or whichever option works for you!
It is a subscription service for conscious dancers and movement meditators who want to learn and practice with me as a teacher-facilitator.
When you sign-up, you make a monthly pledge and you receive a monthly dose of resources: DJ mixes, guided practices and more. These resources are designed to support you to integrate a life-changing movement practice into your routine.
It works through a platform called Patreon, which takes care of all the financial and technical stuff, allowing me to focus on the creative part of being in service to your dance practice.
- A device that can access the internet and download recordings.
- As decent speakers or headphones as possible.
- A space or place where you feel safe enough to relax into moving and following the dance.
- An ability to take responsibility for your own safety, experience and well-being. Classes and workshops are led by spaceholders. This work needs you to be the spaceholder for yourself. Which is a great thing to develop or enhance as a skill.
If you’ve been to 5Rhythms or Movement Medicine classes/workshops or similar that may be helpful. However it’s not a pre-requisite; if you’re new to this way of dancing / have always felt too shy to dance with others / whatever – it’s fine! Go to the practice intros and guides first and take it from there.
It’s really up to you, your personal approach to practice – and whatever works.
You might just use each wave once during the month, or you might use every recording many times over.
I recommend looking for a way to build a relaxed but regular commitment into your routine. How that looks will be a function of your life and schedule, of what you want and of when/how the windows are. Some people practice first thing every morning, some do evenings. Some have a dance during lunch-break and some keep the weekend clear.
As Gabrielle Roth put it, find “the discipline to be a free spirit”…
Yes, feel free to use the recordings and other resources with close people for personal practice only. Please read the below for the parameters of this.
If you are using the resources with other people you live with or see often, please adjust your Patreon contribution to reflect that extra energy you are drawing down. Use the name-your-amount option on Patreon. Thanks for your integrity.
Feel free to let me know you are doing this and with who, so I can include you all in my awareness and the energy of the work.
PLEASE NOTE: this is not the same as using the resources in any kind of professional or commercial capacity for group, one-to-one or other work / spaces. If you would like to do this I am open to it if your work is safe, aligned and ethical, but only with explicit and prior permission, and subject to appropriate payment and clear understanding that you hold full liability for your space. Contact me and we can discuss: xian@glimpsesoflight.art
Not at present.
Nurturing and facilitating community in a good way is something I am passionate about, and I love the way the dance opens up extraordinary possibilities for human connection and embodied community.
However, I have enough experience to know that community takes a lot of work to hold properly, and I do not want to do it in a half-baked way. Virtual community forums offer possibilities but also have their limitations. I am currently more able & inclined to put my energy into the creation of the recordings to the highest level I can. So the focus of Dancefloor Jedi is providing resources for dancers to practice autonomously at home and in their own space.
Meanwhile however – you are an agent of seeding/growing community if you want to be. So if this calls, I suggest and encourage you to find and nurture connections with other dancers in your network and the wider field, through existing community spaces and forums (both in-the-room and digital) – or through creating new ones.
Note: if you want to use the resources with others, please see the FAQ about this and adjust your Patreon contribution accordingly. Thanks!
I am a trained teacher of Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms practice (2005) and was one of the first ‘pathfinder’ teachers of Movement Medicine (2011)
My movement teaching and DJing draws on a blend of these two potent maps, supported by aspects of Taoist, shamanic, animist and artist practice, all of which I have studied and practiced for over two decades.
I got into ecstatic dancing in my bedroom as a teenager before discovering raves; its been around 25 years since I realised we can use dance as an explicitly conscious meditation practice.
George Lucas described Jedis as “warrior-monks who keep peace in the universe”
In my experience, embodied movement practice is a path of cultivating peace; firstly in the inner universe that is our personal consciousness, and from there into our complex, beautiful and changing world.
These planetary times need Jedis, and the dancefloor is a life-affirming training ground wherever we find ourselves.
It is a subscription service for conscious dancers and movement meditators who want to learn and practice with me as a teacher-facilitator.
When you sign-up, you make a monthly pledge and you receive a monthly dose of resources: DJ mixes, guided practices and more. These resources are designed to support you to integrate a life-changing movement practice into your routine.
It works through a platform called Patreon, which takes care of all the financial and technical stuff, allowing me to focus on the creative part of being in service to your dance practice.
- A device that can access the internet and download recordings.
- As decent speakers or headphones as possible.
- A space or place where you feel safe enough to relax into moving and following the dance.
- An ability to take responsibility for your own safety, experience and well-being. Classes and workshops are led by spaceholders. This work needs you to be the spaceholder for yourself. Which is a great thing to develop or enhance as a skill.
If you’ve been to 5Rhythms or Movement Medicine classes/workshops or similar that may be helpful. However it’s not a pre-requisite; if you’re new to this way of dancing / have always felt too shy to dance with others / whatever – it’s fine! Go to the practice intros and guides first and take it from there.
It’s really up to you, your personal approach to practice – and whatever works.
You might just use each wave once during the month, or you might use every recording many times over.
I recommend looking for a way to build a relaxed but regular commitment into your routine. How that looks will be a function of your life and schedule, of what you want and of when/how the windows are. Some people practice first thing every morning, some do evenings. Some have a dance during lunch-break and some keep the weekend clear.
As Gabrielle Roth put it, find “the discipline to be a free spirit”…
Yes, feel free to use the recordings and other resources with close people for personal practice only. Please read the below for the parameters of this.
If you are using the resources with other people you live with or see often, please adjust your Patreon contribution to reflect that extra energy you are drawing down. Use the name-your-amount option on Patreon. Thanks for your integrity.
Feel free to let me know you are doing this and with who, so I can include you all in my awareness and the energy of the work.
PLEASE NOTE: this is not the same as using the resources in any kind of professional or commercial capacity for group, one-to-one or other work / spaces. If you would like to do this I am open to it if your work is safe, aligned and ethical, but only with explicit and prior permission, and subject to appropriate payment and clear understanding that you hold full liability for your space. Contact me and we can discuss: xian@glimpsesoflight.art
Not at present.
Nurturing and facilitating community in a good way is something I am passionate about, and I love the way the dance opens up extraordinary possibilities for human connection and embodied community.
However, I have enough experience to know that community takes a lot of work to hold properly, and I do not want to do it in a half-baked way. Virtual community forums offer possibilities but also have their limitations. I am currently more able & inclined to put my energy into the creation of the recordings to the highest level I can. So the focus of Dancefloor Jedi is providing resources for dancers to practice autonomously at home and in their own space.
Meanwhile however – you are an agent of seeding/growing community if you want to be. So if this calls, I suggest and encourage you to find and nurture connections with other dancers in your network and the wider field, through existing community spaces and forums (both in-the-room and digital) – or through creating new ones.
Note: if you want to use the resources with others, please see the FAQ about this and adjust your Patreon contribution accordingly. Thanks!
I am a trained teacher of Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms practice (2005) and was one of the first ‘pathfinder’ teachers of Movement Medicine (2011)
My movement teaching and DJing draws on a blend of these two potent maps, supported by aspects of Taoist, shamanic, animist and artist practice, all of which I have studied and practiced for over two decades.
I got into ecstatic dancing in my bedroom as a teenager before discovering raves; its been around 25 years since I realised we can use dance as an explicitly conscious meditation practice.
George Lucas described Jedis as “warrior-monks who keep peace in the universe”
In my experience, embodied movement practice is a path of cultivating peace; firstly in the inner universe that is our personal consciousness, and from there into our complex, beautiful and changing world.
These planetary times need Jedis, and the dancefloor is a life-affirming training ground wherever we find ourselves.
Most of the practices are Audio Recordings. The reason for this is that I find radio-style voice guidance more effective for immersive practice then when a screen is the main interface.
There will nevertheless be some Video to bring you intros & demos and to help you connect visually with the teaching and my way with it.
The monthly Transmission is a Radio Livestream on the first Thursday of the month. That brings the option of implicit or direct connection with other dancers tuning in at the same time. Recorded Archives of Transmission are available to listen back later if you can’t make it live.
You access the resources through the Patreon app or website, which give you a an easy to scroll and search feed of everything I post on Dancefloor Jedi.
You don’t need to be online to use the recordings – through the Patreon app you can download everything for Offline & Anytime Access, so you can listen anywhere and at the time of your choosing – in nature, underground, wherever!
You can even also use the simple RSS function to set-up Dancefloor Jedi as a Podcast that comes through on Apple Podcasts or any similar app that supports RSS.
You do need to be online for the Transmission livestream.
Soon you will also be able to access all the resources through a page here on glimpsesoflight.art – this needs a little more set-up which will happen once the service is up-and-running!
The JEDI MONTHLY RHYTHM is as follows:
First week of the month: Recordings released Friday end of day / Saturday morning
(1x Guided dance journey + 1x music-only DJmix version)
Second Thursday of the month: Transmission Deep Radio Live Broadcast
(listen live or listen back later) Livestream time 20h-22h uk time
As and When:
When I’m teaching ‘in-the-room’ and its possible to offer a livestream from the event, these dates are announced in advance and in the monthly update. Recordings from these broadcasts may or may not be released, depending on what the quality control department says…
Extra Practices, other resources, bonuses and spontaneous offerings are released at different times as it flows.
Patreon should let you know by email or through the app when new resources are published; check your you notification settings if you need to.
Yes of course! You can sign-up, see how it works and try it, and if you don’t want to continue you can easily cancel at any time.
You also have the flexibility to change to a different tier in my Patreon if you find that would fit better, or if you have a busy/skint month and want to pay less while staying connected.
Most of the practices are Audio Recordings. The reason for this is that I find radio-style voice guidance more effective for immersive practice then when a screen is the main interface.
There will nevertheless be some Video to bring you intros & demos and to help you connect visually with the teaching and my way with it.
The monthly Transmission is a Radio Livestream on the first Thursday of the month. That brings the option of implicit or direct connection with other dancers tuning in at the same time. Recorded Archives of Transmission are available to listen back later if you can’t make it live.
You access the resources through the Patreon app or website, which give you a an easy to scroll and search feed of everything I post on Dancefloor Jedi.
You don’t need to be online to use the recordings – through the Patreon app you can download everything for Offline & Anytime Access, so you can listen anywhere and at the time of your choosing – in nature, underground, wherever!
You can even also use the simple RSS function to set-up Dancefloor Jedi as a Podcast that comes through on Apple Podcasts or any similar app that supports RSS.
You do need to be online for the Transmission livestream.
Soon you will also be able to access all the resources through a page here on glimpsesoflight.art – this needs a little more set-up which will happen once the service is up-and-running!
The JEDI MONTHLY RHYTHM is as follows:
First week of the month: Recordings released Friday end of day / Saturday morning
(1x Guided dance journey + 1x music-only DJmix version)
Second Thursday of the month: Transmission Deep Radio Live Broadcast
(listen live or listen back later) Livestream time 20h-22h uk time
As and When:
When I’m teaching ‘in-the-room’ and its possible to offer a livestream from the event, these dates are announced in advance and in the monthly update. Recordings from these broadcasts may or may not be released, depending on what the quality control department says…
Extra Practices, other resources, bonuses and spontaneous offerings are released at different times as it flows.
Patreon should let you know by email or through the app when new resources are published; check your you notification settings if you need to.
Yes of course! You can sign-up, see how it works and try it, and if you don’t want to continue you can easily cancel at any time.
You also have the flexibility to change to a different tier in my Patreon if you find that would fit better, or if you have a busy/skint month and want to pay less while staying connected.
If you have other questions, please reach out
The button takes you to my Patreon page where you will see three tiers:
> pick Dancefloor Jedi or whichever option works for you!
Dancing… – it’s fun, you’ll enjoy it 🙂
Do it often and you’ll feel more alive.
Do it as a practice…
– and I believe you can grow in all sorts of ways.