JULY 12th
[uk time]

JULY 12th
[uk time]
Join the dance at Exeter Barefoot – from your own space!
Click the yellow Play button on the audio player below to join the stream (during the Barefoot class)
Below that you can also see and check out some recordings from Barefoot and and Totnes Dnace Collective sessions.
Join the dancefloor by clicking Play on the audio player above.
Have a great dance!
The dance will start at 19.30 UK time and goes for 2 hours until 21.30.
All being well, the stream will be live with arrival music from 5-10mins beforehand.
Keep in mind that during a livestream from in-the-room classes like this, there may be times you need to adjust the facilitation to your situation: e.g. if I invite dancers in the room to take a partner and you’re dancing solo at home. There;’s a few ways you can adapt: you could dance with a chair or other piece of furniture or a picture on the wall. You could move with an awareness of a person you know and partner dance that way. Or you could play with the exploration of partnering yourself – what could that be as a dance? Or something else – get creative!
For most of the dance and the instruction though, it’s a direct connection with the music and my invitations / guidance. Its worth tuning in to the energy of the space from where you are; people listening live have reported feeling the group from home and it being an uplifting resource.
If you lose the connection at any point, just refresh this page in your browser and click play again.
If you have technical problems and need help, please mail support@glimpsesoflight.art or get in contact through the Patreon messaging system
If you would like to join more livestreams like this one, and get a monthly dose of dancing resources (DJ mixes and guided movement practices) into your inbox, please feel free to sign up to The Dancefloor Jedi project, which you can do here. Check out the library of resources here
- Turn the phones off, the lights down and the sound up. Use the best speakers / headphones you have available.
- Bring your focus into your body. Breathe, relax and arrive on your own personal dancefloor wherever you are. There will be some light guidance; most of all let the music bring you into movement and find your way to immerse, ride the waves and dance.
- At times the guidance may need some translation – for example if you’re dancing solo and I invite people in the room to connect with other dancers. Get creative – you could dance with someone in your imagination, or you could keep your focus in the room and dance with a picture on your wall, or another object like a piece of furniture…
- For maximum immersion, be there at the start, take the whole journey. Making a simple ritual opening and closing can help to go deeper, for example lighting a candle to begin and extinguishing to complete.
- Please remember you are responsible for ensuring the space you are in is safe, and for tending to your own physical, psychological and spiritual well-being.