Dancing in the Dark
21-22 December 2024
Solstice Ritual
Luzern, Switzerland
You are invited to gather and dance at the time of the winter Solstice
– to create a field of movement together, celebrate and reach into the returning light.
When we dance, we are soulful. We embody who we really are and we shine our light into the world. In dark times, we can move and dream into the deeper possibilities of who we are now becoming. Dancing in the darkness we touch the mystery. We remember the ancient knowledge in our bones and find another kind of vision. And we cultivate aliveness and presence for the realities of here and now.
We work and play with The Way of the Dancer, which is Christian’s synthesis of the core movement maps of 5Rhythms, Movement Medicine and creative embodiment practices in Taoist and Animist/Shamanic ways.
We dance solo, we dance with each other, we dance as a group. We ride the music and we inhabit the silence. There’s also time for resting and hanging out.
Day 1 is an evening session to arrive, dance and connect with each other and the teachings.
Day 2 we will go deeper into practice and the facilitated trance-dance practice of dancing in the dark. Then we will hold a Solstice Dance Ceremony, moving together in this deep dreaming time for sacred connection and living.
SATURDAY 18h – 21h
SUNDAY 09h30 – 16h30
Zähringerstrasse 16
6003 Luzern
Come: dance and dream!
All bodies welcome.
Hosted by Verein Dynamo
This button takes you to a google form for registration. If you have any issues or questions about booking please email: agatha.marti@bluewin.ch
PLEASE NOTE: Verein Dynamo booking form & website is in German, but the workshop will be taught in English with German translation!
PDF Flyer (English) – PDF Flyer (Deutsch)

Dancing in the Dark
21-22 December 2024
Solstice Ritual
Luzern, Switzerland
You are invited to gather and dance at the time of the winter Solstice
– to create a field of movement together, celebrate and reach into the returning light.
When we dance, we are soulful. We embody who we really are and we shine our light into the world. In dark times, we can move and dream into the deeper possibilities of who we are now becoming. Dancing in the darkness we touch the mystery. We remember the ancient knowledge in our bones and find another kind of vision. And we cultivate aliveness and presence for the realities of here and now.
We work and play with The Way of the Dancer, which is Christian’s synthesis of the core movement maps of 5Rhythms, Movement Medicine and creative embodiment practices in Taoist and Animist/Shamanic ways.
We dance solo, we dance with each other, we dance as a group. We ride the music and we inhabit the silence. There’s also time for resting and hanging out.
Day 1 is an evening session to arrive, dance and connect with each other and the teachings.
Day 2 we will go deeper into practice and the facilitated trance-dance practice of dancing in the dark. Then we will hold a Solstice Dance Ceremony, moving together in this deep dreaming time for sacred connection and living.
SATURDAY 18h – 21h
SUNDAY 09h30 – 16h30
Zähringerstrasse 16
6003 Luzern
Come: dance and dream!
All bodies welcome.
Hosted by Verein Dynamo
This button takes you to a google form for registration. If you have any issues or questions about booking please email: agatha.marti@bluewin.ch
PLEASE NOTE: Verein Dynamo booking form & website is in German, but the workshop will be taught in English!
PDF Flyer (English) – PDF Flyer (Deutsch)