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April 30th

Depth Movement Session

Totnes, Devon, UK

Pulse is a deeper drop-in movement space in south Devon.

We gather on the dancefloor. We use movement, music and collective intention to invite a vibrant field of energy and presence for ourselves and for the wider community.

Pulse is open to anyone wanting to dance: bodies are welcomed in all embodiments of ability, shape, gender, ethnicity, neuronature, age and culture.

{Pulse}: The rhythmical movement of a heartbeat moving oxygen through a body
noun: /pʌls

Dancefloor as a space for aliveness.
Movement as a resource for living.

Coming back to our bodies.
Remembering we exist through breath.
Riding rhythm and the universal heartbeat.
Finding flow and the oxygen of movement.
Journeying into music: this incredible healing force of the universe.

Coming together
in the midst of these accelerating times
to dance, connect, co-create and replenish:
to cultivate the sacred life force and carry it into our days.



The sessions will usually feature a warm-up, some teaching and a dancing journey through the Waves. There will be invitations to connect with other dancers and move in the group field – along with full encouragement to be who you are in the moment.

These dances are open: you can come to one, some, or all – as you like or are able.
And: there is an invitation is to participate regularly and be part of co-creating a space that holds depth, connection and continuity in the dance.


Pulse is born of a desire to hold a regular deep dance space for the South Devon dance community.
We begin with a series of three sessions, launching in the spring and moving into summer. Another series is planned for the autumn. Then let’s see how things evolve 🙂


The teaching framework for Pulse is The Way of the Dancer, Christian’s evolving synthesis of 5Rhythms and Movement Medicine with Taoist, Animist and contemporary Subcultural approaches to the dancefloor and community ritual space.

Prior experience of conscious dance practice can be helpful but is not essential.
If you’re new to this kind of dancing, please let us know on the day so we can orient you.



Launch Sessions: 30 April – 28 May – 25 June
Autumn Sessions: 1 Oct – 29 Oct – 26 Nov


30th April 2025
7pm - 9.30pm
with optional hang-out time after dance until 10pm.


Totnes Civic Hall
Market Square
Totnes, Devon TQ9 5SF United Kingdom


Sliding Scale:
Abundant £20
Regular £17
Stretched £14

Event Categories:
, ,
Access: Open to All


Glimpses of Light


To pay in instalments:
Use the Paypal option to spread the cost over 3 payments.
(interest-free, no extra cost)

Context for Pricing:
A three-tier contribution system is offered in recognition that we have wide disparities in our access to financial resources. If those more well-resourced contribute more, this helps the dancefloor be accessible to dancers with less finance. Please consider the wider context and use your integrity in choosing what level you contribute. Thanks!

Please note: Tickets at the lowest level are limited.
If you are able, please pay the middle or higher level contributions, leaving the lower level tickets for those who need them. If the lowest level of contribution is out of reach for you, please contact us about bursaries.

Questions? Please feel free to reach out: