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Home Dancing Project: New Release
February 28th
Membership Monthly Resources
Your Inbox
The Membership privides a monthly flow of fresh music, expert guidance and inspired resources to activate and sustain autonomous movement practice.
Make some time for dancing this weekend and beyond...
New Recordings are released every month early on Saturday morning.
Sometimes this will be a dance journey with two versions: a guided practice and a music-only DJ mix. Sometimes it will be another combination of practice recordings, music and other resources to support autonomous movement practice.
You can stream the recordings through the Glimpses of Light and Patreon websites – or you can take them offline using the Patreon app or a podcast app like Apple.
Tier 2&3 Members receive email notifications when the releases drop.
To become a member, click HERE
Note: the membership was originally called The Dancefloor Jedi Project: early 2025 sees an uplevel into The Home Dancing Project with new offerings included. Existing members will be automatically transferred to the new structure. Stay tuned!
28th FEBRUARY 2025
Recordings released at midnight uk time
(monthly: usually on the third or fourth Saturday of the month)
- Online: Glimpses of Light Website, Patreon Website/App, Podcast Apps++
- View Venue Website
Contribution is via monthly or annual membership subsciption.
Join here: https://glimpsesoflight.art/cat-movement/cat-online/dancefloor-jedi/